Under the theme “Earth observations: investments in the digital economy,” Ministers from GEO’s 105 Member governments will gather on 7-8 November 2019 for a roundtable discussion, dinner and Ministerial Summit to discuss the integration of Earth observation data into the broader digital economy – critical for sustained, inclusive, economic growth.
Almost all economic activity and almost all business decisions must consider how our planet is changing. At the same time, digital technologies are disrupting our societies and economies, changing how we work and how we live. This change is happening at an extremely rapid pace, and presents us with new challenges and opportunities to deliver sustained and inclusive economic growth. The integration of Earth observation data into the broader digital economy will be critical to achieving this goal.
Relevant topics will be presented and discussed. Many of the GEO Week 2019 sessions are live streamed so those interested can join at https://www.earthobservations.org/geoweek19.php?t=full_schedule.