The Cartography and Geographic Information Society (CaGIS) announces AutoCarto 2014, an international research symposium on cartography, geospatial science, and visualization, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, on October 6-8, 2014.

CaGIS will host commi ssion meetings for the International Cartographic Association on October 5, 2014. Other groups with common interests are welcome. Interested groups should contact Conference Director Greg Allord at allordgreg [at] gmail [dot] com with their space requirements.
CaGIS invites cartographers, geographers, geospatial analysts, GIScientists, and others who are conducting research on the cutting edge of the geospatial sciences to submit abstracts on the following topics, among others:

  • Geovisualization
  • Geospatial modeling
  • Visual analytics
  • Web-based cartography
  • Information Architecture for Web Mapping
  • Data Integration
  • Mobile Mapping, Location-Based Services, and Ubiquitous Mapping
  • Volunteered Geographic Information and Crowd Sourcing
  • The Geospatial Semantic Web
  • Cartographic and Geospatial Ontologies
  • 3-Dimensional Mapping
  • Geospatial Open Source, Interoperability, and Source Integration
  • Generalization
  • Spatio-Temporal GIS and Dynamic Maps
  • National and Regional Paper and Digital Atlases
  • Geospatial Data Models
  • Spatial Data Mining
  • Map Use and Design
  • Spatial Cognition and Spatialization
  • Discrete Global Grids, Coordinate Systems for Geospatial Data, and Map Projections.

Abstracts: A maximum of 300 words in PDF or Word format. Abstracts should also include 3-5 keywords. Abstracts should be submitted to the Technical Program Chair, Dan Cole, at coled [at] si [dot] edu.

Important Dates

March 1, 2014. Paper abstracts are due.
April 15, 2014. Notices of acceptance of paper proposals are sent via email.
May 1, 2014. Poster abstracts of a maximum of 300 words are due in PDF or Word format.
June 15, 2014. Notices of acceptance of posters are sent via email.
August 15, 2014. Accepted papers are due in final form. Author registration deadline.
October 6, 2014. Conference begins.

Selected papers from the AutoCarto proceedings will be published in a special issue of the Cartography
and Geographic Information Society journal. All submissions will be reviewed for content and
appropriateness by the conference committee. The final decision on acceptances of presentations in the
program and inclusion of topics will depend on the response to this call for papers and space availability.

Conference Registration Requirements

All technical paper and poster presenters are required to register for the AutoCarto conference no later than August 15, 2014. If the original applicant who received the notice of acceptance appoints someone else to present his or her work, the substitute must also register no later than August 15, 2014. Presenters who do not register within the time limit may be dropped from the program, and all listings will be removed from the preliminary program and conference proceedings.

About fjbehr

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Franz-Josef Behr, Professor of Geoinformatics at Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences ( His specializations include * Internet, Internet GIS * XML, GML, SVG * Data exchange and Interoperability * Visualization * Open Source Solutions * Consulting Member of the DIN working group NA 005-03-03 AA "Arbeitsausschuss Kartographie und Geoinformation" (Sp CEN/TC 287+ISO/TC 211). He is the author of two authoritative books on GIS in German, one is "Strategisches GIS-Management", published by Wichmann Verlag (2004). The second is "Einführung in Geographische Informationssysteme" (1997).

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