This MapBasic tool allows you to generate a complete standard application for data in a MapInfo table:
- create a new object by digitization and save it into your table
- editing an object
- deleting an object
It generates a file with global variables, a file for the definitions of the functions, and a file for the functions themselves.
The code includes menu definition, button pad definition, access to a ini file, initialization of default values etc.
'------------------------------ 'Type Definitions '------------------------------ type BlattschnittType obj As object Text As string RW_OL As Float HW_OL As Float RW_UR As Float HW_UR As Float FK_Name As string End Type 'BlattschnittType Global gtBlattschnitt as BlattschnittType
The definitions of global variables (example)
'------------------------------ 'Globals '------------------------------ Global gsAppDescription As String Global gsAppFilename As String Global gsAppPath As String Global giLicence As Integer Global gsCopyright As String Global gsDataPath, gsSystemPath, gsLogPath, gsCosmeticLayer as string Global gsIniFileName as string Global gsHelpFileName as string Global gsMenuTitle as string Global gsToolbarTitle as string Global glDebug as Logical Global giLogFile as Integer Global giMapperWinID as integer Global gsCurrentTable as string Global gPen as Pen, gSymbol as Symbol, gBrush as Brush, gFont as Font
The definitions of the subroutines (example)
'------------------------------ 'Declarations '------------------------------ Declare Sub main Declare sub GenerateHydras_for_importButtonPad Declare sub GenerateHydras_for_importMenu Declare sub dlgHydras_for_importUebersicht Declare sub dlgHydras_for_importAbout Declare sub CreateHydras_for_importObjectHandler Declare sub Hydras_for_importEndHandler Declare sub Hydras_for_importHelpHandler Declare sub Hydras_for_importStartDigitizingHandler Declare sub Hydras_for_importEndDigitizingHandler Declare sub Hydras_for_importPlotHandler Declare sub WinFocusChangedHandler Declare sub WinChangedHandler Declare sub SelChangedHandler
'--------------------------------------------- Sub Main '--------------------------------------------- OnError Goto STANDARD_ERROR_HANDLING dim tName as string dim lOK, lCancel as logical gsAppDescription = "Brücken_bundesstraße-Verwaltung" gsCopyright = ", " + Year(CurDate()) gsAppPath = ApplicationDirectory$() gsSystemPath = ApplicationDirectory$() + "system\" gsDataPath = ApplicationDirectory$() + "data\" gsLogPath = ApplicationDirectory$() + "log\" gsReportPath = ApplicationDirectory$() + "report\" gsIniFileName = gsAppPath & "Brücken_bundesstraße" & ".ini" gsHelpFileName = gsAppPath & "Brücken_bundesstraße" & ".hlp" gsMenuTitle = "Brücken_bundesstraße-Verwaltung" gsToolbarTitle = "Brücken_bundesstraße" if Not DirectoryExists(gsSystemPath) then lOK = CreateNewDirectoryOK(gsSystemPath) end if if Not DirectoryExists(gsReportPath) then lOK = CreateNewDirectoryOK(gsReportPath) end if if Not DirectoryExists(gsLogPath) then lOK = CreateNewDirectoryOK(gsLogPath) end if if Not DirectoryExists(gsDataPath) then lOK = CreateNewDirectoryOK(gsDataPath) end if gPen = MakePen(1, 4, BLACK) gBrush = MakeBrush(1, BLUE, -1) gSymbol = MakeFontSymbol(44,32768,10,"MapInfo Cartographic",0,0) gFont = MakeFont("Arial", 1, 6,BLACK,-1) call SetMapInfoMainTitle(gsAppDescription) print chr$(12) + gsAppDescription & " " & VERSIONSNR call GenerateBrücken_bundesstraßeButtonPad call GenerateBrücken_bundesstraßeMenu glDebug = GetIniLogical(gsIniFileName, "Parameter", "Debug", FALSE) call SetIniLogical(gsIniFileName, "Parameter", "Debug", glDebug) giLogFile = 7 if glDebug then Open File gsLogPath + Brücken_bundesstraße + ".log" For OUTPUT Access WRITE As #giLogFile CharSet "WindowsLatin1" Print #giLogFile,gsAppDescription & " " & VERSIONSNR + ", " + str$(curdate()) end if '--------------------------- ' Datenstruktur vorbelegen '--------------------------- Metadata Table sTabName SetKey "\Anfangsnetzknoten" To gtBridge_BStreet.Anfangsnetzknoten Metadata Table sTabName SetKey "\Endnetzknoten" To gtBridge_BStreet.Endnetzknoten Metadata Table sTabName SetKey "\VonStation" To gtBridge_BStreet.VonStation Metadata Table sTabName SetKey "\BisStation" To gtBridge_BStreet.BisStation ...
Example for genereated menu
'--------------------------------------------- Sub GenerateBrücken_bundesstraßeMenu '--------------------------------------------- OnError Goto STANDARD_ERROR_HANDLING Create Menu "Maßstab" As "1:250" ID M_250 Calling ScaleMenuHandler, "1:500" ID M_500 Calling ScaleMenuHandler, "1:1000" ID M_1000 Calling ScaleMenuHandler, "1:2000" ID M_2000 Calling ScaleMenuHandler, "1:2500" ID M_2500 Calling ScaleMenuHandler, "1:5000" ID M_5000 Calling ScaleMenuHandler, "1:10000" ID M_10000 Calling ScaleMenuHandler, "1:20000" ID M_20000 Calling ScaleMenuHandler, "(-", "Gesamt" ID M_GESAMT Calling ScaleMenuHandler Create Menu gsMenuTitle As "Datenerfassung..." HelpMsg "Buttonpad für Datenerfassung anzeigen" Calling Brücken_bundesstraßeStartDigitizingHandler, "Datenpflege..." HelpMsg "Datenpflege" Calling dlgBrücken_bundesstraßeUebersicht, "(-", "Hilfe ..." HelpMsg "Online-Hilfe zum Produkt" Calling Brücken_bundesstraßeHelpHandler, "(-", "Maßstab" As "Maßstab", "Report" HelpMsg "Reporterzeugung" Calling ReportBrücken_bundesstraßeHandler, "(-", "Über ..." HelpMsg "Information zum Produkt" Calling dlgBrücken_bundesstraßeAbout, "(-", "Ende" HelpMsg "Beendet die Anwendung" Calling Brücken_bundesstraßeEndHandler Alter Menu Bar Add gsMenuTitle exit sub STANDARD_ERROR_HANDLING: note error$() print error$() end sub