The ArcGIS Editor for OpenStreetMap is designed to help ArcGIS Desktop 10 users to become an active member in the growing community of users building an open and freely available database of geographic data.

The provided tools allow you to download data from the OSM servers and store it locally in a geodatabase. You can then use the familiar editing environment of ArcGIS Desktop to create, modify, or delete data. Once you are done editing, you can post back the edit changes to OSM to make them available to all OSM users.

This site provides access to the released versions of the ArcGIS Editor for OpenStreetMap (OSMEditor), the source code, as well as documentation and issue tracker.

Literatur- und Hardwareempfehlungen zu OpenStreetMap

About fjbehr

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Franz-Josef Behr, Professor of Geoinformatics at Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences ( His specializations include * Internet, Internet GIS * XML, GML, SVG * Data exchange and Interoperability * Visualization * Open Source Solutions * Consulting Member of the DIN working group NA 005-03-03 AA "Arbeitsausschuss Kartographie und Geoinformation" (Sp CEN/TC 287+ISO/TC 211). He is the author of two authoritative books on GIS in German, one is "Strategisches GIS-Management", published by Wichmann Verlag (2004). The second is "Einführung in Geographische Informationssysteme" (1997).

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