All posts by admin
The OGC Announces Call for Participation in OWS-7 Testbed
Standards are essential parts of the Heterogeneous Mission Accessibility (HMA) initiative
„Geo ist in“ – Weltleitmesse zeichnet positives Stimmungsbild
16.000 Fachbesuchern und ein abermals gestiegener Anteil internationaler Besucher
Gi4DM 2010 Conference
Remote Sensing And Geo-Information For Environmental Emergencies
The OGC(R) Announces Learning Resources for Geospatial Standards
Videos, tutorials, documents concerning geospatial interoperability
Routeware announces several new product updates
Participation at InterGEO in Karlsruhe
GIS on a USB stick
Portable GIS Version 2 is released
Pitney Bowes Software stellt MapInfo Professional Version 10.0 auf der Intergeo 2009 vor
Optimierte Benutzeroberfläche und dynamische Kartenausgabe sparen Arbeitszeit und Ressourcen
6th International Symposium on LBS and TeleCartography
University of Nottingham (2nd Sept – 4th Sept 2009