Der sehr ansprechend gestaltetete Tagungsband des von der Weltbank im Juni 2010 veranstalteten Kongresses „Understanding Risk: Innovation in Disaster Risk Assessment“ sind digital verfügbar.

With five hundred attendees representing over one hundred countries, the Understanding Risk (UR) Forum was a truly global event that brought together disaster risk management experts and practitioners from around the world.

Eine gedruckte Version ist nach Anfrage bei erhältlich.

Floods and Droughts: Predicting and Assessing the Risks

Floods and Droughts: Predicting and Assessing the Risks

About fjbehr

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Franz-Josef Behr, Professor of Geoinformatics at Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences ( His specializations include * Internet, Internet GIS * XML, GML, SVG * Data exchange and Interoperability * Visualization * Open Source Solutions * Consulting Member of the DIN working group NA 005-03-03 AA "Arbeitsausschuss Kartographie und Geoinformation" (Sp CEN/TC 287+ISO/TC 211). He is the author of two authoritative books on GIS in German, one is "Strategisches GIS-Management", published by Wichmann Verlag (2004). The second is "Einführung in Geographische Informationssysteme" (1997).

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